Saturday, January 6, 2018


The letters on the title of this post spell out to mean some awful stuff. No one wants to hear it, say it or deal with it; but, as it turns out, my family is doing all of that now. My Mama and my babies' Gigi, has Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

This is her second time with cancer, but in a new'ish spot and about 8 years since the first time. So, technically they call it a whole new cancer instead of saying that 'her cancer came back'. She met with the surgeon this week and it seems like she has no option, but to have a mastectomy. So, off with the boob! 😉 

This is what we are working with right now. To answer the obvious, she had a lumpectomy and radiation last time, but, that is not an option this go around. She is prepared to do whatever is needed and she is giving herself a head-start fighting the cancer already naturally. We are thankful for a good doctor for her and are prepared to help her fight this as best as we can.

Conveniently, Ryan, the kids and I, were already going to Ohio to visit Gigi and Papsi. We will be there for a bit and hopefully our little monkeys will help distract everyone from the bad cards she was dealt.

If you know anything about my Mama, you know she fought the 1st cancer and kicked butt. We know this time around will be the same. 

We are trying to keep all the smiles coming and focus on dealing with this head on. It has been about a week since we first found out, so we let it sink in for all of us. Now, I am ready to let everyone know and she gave me permission to post this. My hope is this post brings more good thoughts, prayers and smiles her way. You never can have enough of those sent when you get dealt some tough cards.

If you want to send her a card let me know and I will give you her mailing address. I am sure she would love anything, to give her another reason to smile.

I have said from the beginning that she was dealt a tough hand, but she can handle it.

Til' next time...

*We are taking life day by day and counting our blessings along the way*

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day

Well it seems that this day comes around every year and I never quite have the words to say. The old saying is that a picture is worth a thousand words. I feel like these pictures show what an amazing Daddy, Ryan is to our babies.

This picture says the essence of my husband. If he could sit and snuggle babies every day, all day, he would. He won't ask to hold someone's baby but if you give him a baby to hold, he is happy as can be. This is a Daddy holding a grumpy baby girl, who is tired from playing in the sun and ready for nap time. He has his girl all snuggled up and is making her world a better place. This is a normal site for him. He makes her world happier, brighter and better.

This is an amazing Daddy walking with his kids and teaching them about Veterans and people who gave their life for our country. He is making sure they grow up knowing what respect is, why we have the freedoms we do and what it took to get here. He makes me proud, knowing that we are homeschooling these two and they get to learn US History from such an amazing person.

One of my favorite pictures, taken just this past week. This was right after he told Ryan that he loved sitting next to him and watching the fire at the Japanese restaurant with him. They play cars together, wrestle and make up songs to sing. He is his best bud and definitely makes his days happy.

I could not have asked for a better Father for my 3 children!!! He is loving, caring and would do anything for our babies. I am so proud he is their Daddy.

Happy Father's Day Ryan

Saturday, September 19, 2015

12 entire months

As I sit here, feet sore and quite worn out, I can't help but feel so entirely grateful. We just celebrated our baby girl's first birthday. I never thought I would actually get to say that sentence. If you are a new friend or not super close with our family, there was a time when Ryan and I thought we would never be able to bring a child home from the hospital and get to raise them.

(If you want the whole story, here it is...  )

Even after having Levi and being able to bring him home, we still always worried and knew our odds, literally they tell you the number and chance of something bad happening again. Not many people know this but Alexis Elizabeth is a true miracle baby.

She was ready to enter the world at 34 weeks. I had contractions all night long, 12 hours straight- about 4 minutes apart. I timed everything on my contraction app because I was just sure that this could not be happening. I knew that babies born that early do not have developed lungs and stay in the NICU. Even if Alexis was okay, I could NOT handle leaving my baby when I came home. This just could not be happening to me.

Thankfully, with a lot of rest, ton of water and a few homeopathic remedies, we got her to stay in a few more weeks. I will bear you the details because as my husband says, 'not everybody wants to know that' lol. ;)

But after Alexis was born, we found out she did not have the biggest/best blood supply and that he food supply was VERY diminished. Our doctor said that he does not see this a lot and when he does it is C- Section babies and they normally aren't healthy. We had already had all kinds of tests and seen the best of the best doctors constantly because of everything in our history. They said it was something they could not have seen nor prevented.

If you know me well, you know that I am SUPER claustrophobic- like, I just can't take it. I have been this way since like 16 or so but the older I get, the more I can't stand the thought of any of it. So being restrained while having my baby is NOT what I wanted in the slightest.

Alexis was born at the hospital, we barely made it, even with getting pulled over! But, thankfully, I made it to a bed and my doctor there to catch her, before I had her. She was born with no medical intervention and was born perfect!

We are so thankful for our two miracle babies. As I know oh too well, lots of people do not get to have babies and we have two! Two babies to raise and love on.

So, with less than 24 hours left, until my last and final baby turns 1, I will tearfully post a few pictures from when she was born. It was fast, crazy, all natural and amazing. I am so thankful to have this precious, happy, bubbly little girl, to call my baby.

Happy Birthday Alexis. You are forever 'my girl' and I love you more than I can ever tell you.

Skin to skin with my girl<3

Daddy doing skin to skin with his Princess!

Alexis and her best friend. From the day they met, this girl loves her brother fiercely.

7 days old here and so perfect <3

We love you Alexis. You make the days brighter. Life was good before we had kids, but life is amazing now that we have you and your brother. Thank you for making me the happiest Momma in the world. Love you my princess!

*We are taking life day by day and counting our blessings along the way*

Monday, July 20, 2015

10 months!

Well, the time has finally come, our baby girl is 10 months old today. You never realize how quickly time passes until you have your own children. I can't even believe it. I would be lying if I said it didn't make me sad.

I am normally the Momma who never cries and tries to look at the bright side. I just can't help but feel cheated though, as my 'baby' is 10 months. I have only got to see 2 of my kids turn 10 months. I feel like I should have gotten to experience this 3 times. Unfortunately, life had a different agenda for us...

So today, in honor of Landon, I am extra thankful for these two amazing babies I get to raise.

Happy 10 months Alexis Elizabeth. We love you.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!


That is right, you read it. That is all I am going to say but that is how my day started yesterday and today as a Momma. Ugh! There are just some of things that never get easier, no matter how long you have been a parent. ;)

On a good note, I am down 2.6 pounds!!! Seeing that on the scale, definitely made my morning cheer up! I have a goal of trying my hardest to loose 17 pounds by my birthday. Got to get myself healthy to raise these babies and keep up with them. When Alexis starts walking, I am going to have to keep up with her and Levi! Got to get my butt in shape before they can beat me. 

Today is the 4th of July and as everyone that is close to me knows, the military is very close to my heart. I see that the 4th equals freedom, because of those who serve and have served. Let us never forget that. It is not just a day to see fireworks and cookout. Many veterans are suffering illness, pains and injuries. Did you know that 22 veterans a day commit suicide?

Yep, you read that right... 22 people who served our country and were in the military, decide that the situation they are in right now, is too much to bare. So they call it quits and take their life. 22 a day is too many! Please reach out to anyone you know that is a veteran or is active duty. Check on them once a month, take them out to dinner. Make sure they are doing okay in their current situation. I guarantee it will mean more to them then you know.

Happy 4th of July from The Brown Family

Here's to *taking life day by day and counting our blessings along the way*

Friday, July 3, 2015

Long time no see

Well, it has been a bit since I have written. I find this fun, therapeutic and relaxing. So, here it goes!

We will start with the youngest, Alexis. She is doing well. She is 9 months old now and constantly getting into something. I put her down on her stomach and within 10 seconds, it seems, she has rolled and moved herself to a sitting up position. This is obviously great that she does it, as far as a milestone but when it comes to your baby's face crashing into something when they go from sitting up to the laying down.. yeah, not easy for Momma and Daddy. ;) She is still breastfeeding and we plan on doing it until at least a year and a half, which is how long Levi breastfed. She has had organic sweet potatoes and will be trying org bananas and org avocado soon. Below, you can see a cute picture we just had made for her 9 months photos!

Next is Levi! He is crazy about his sister and loves her so much. He definitely takes after Ryan and me, when it comes to loving to be with someone. Ryan nor I are 'loners' so Levi is just the same and loves playing with Alexis. He talks up a storm and loves to make you laugh. (Definitely has his Daddy's charming-ness and sense of humor!) He will start dancing and shaking his booty when he hears music he likes, no matter where he is at. We frequently walk by a store at the mall, which will have music blaring and Levi starts sticking his lips out and just shaking it. That boy loves to move it! We bought a big pool this year and it has a slide in it, this quickly became a favorite of his. We also got a membership to the local zoo, BEST MONEY SPENT! Levi loves seeing all the animals (gets to run around and get himself nice and tired too. lol ) At least once a week, he wakes up and asks me to go see the animals. Below is a picture of Levi climbing in the bounce house, at the mall.

Ryan and I are doing well. We live a fast paced life for about 4 days a week and then things slow down and we spend a lot of family time. Then, just as we get use to it, life speeds back up. Ryan loves his job, is doing well and constantly has some crazy stories to tell me. Below is a picture of us last month, at the local zoo!

I look back over the past, almost 6 years, and can't believe this crazy life we have lived together. It finally feels like we are 'home' living here and like everything is starting to fall into place. I am so thankful to be able to stay home and raise these two babies and live the life, that we do.

I plan on blogging more often, so stay tuned for more picture of these cuties :)

Here's to *taking life day by day and counting our blessings along the way*

Monday, April 7, 2014

Washington Life!

Well, it seems we are finally settled in. Yesterday we hung some pictures on the walls, that has to mean something, right? :)

Levi went to his first gymnastics class today at the YMCA. I am not sure I would even call it a gymnastics class, it was sort of a free for all playing and having fun. Whatever you want to call it though, my kid LOVED it!!! I mean, he could have stayed there all morning until he passed out asleep on the floor. He was so cute running around and bouncing from child to child interacting with them. I just kept following him and getting my exercise in.

Speaking of exercise, being almost 14 weeks pregnant with our 3rd kid, tends to give ya' a little bit of a belly. I am definitely showing now. Errrr... wait, well at least I think I am showing, because I feel it and its a hard as rock belly. But, I still get the feeling that a lot of people just think I am reaaaaally fat. lol.
But when they throw me that look, I just gently rub my belly :) Life is all about how you take it. I could get all offended or just rub my belly and smile. Sometimes you have to pick and choose what you get upset about. Being a 'bigger' prego means sometimes you get funny looks. Like when you are chasing your 17 month old around the gym :) hehehe... But it was so worth it. Seeing the look on his face and how happy he was, makes it worth it!

Life in Washington is good. We made the conscious effort that we wanted this 'new chapter' of life to be much calmer, and more family oriented. I definitely think we have accomplished that. It feels so good to finally relax and enjoy life more.

Today it is going to be a super sunny warm 70 something day. We plan to soak up all the warm and get a good walk or maybe 2 in! There aren't any baby swings near us, unfortunately. I don't quite understand how you forget to put those in ANY of the parks within walking distance from us. But Levi and I are trying to convince Ryan that we 'need' a swing hung in the garage for him. Hopefully, he caves next time we go shopping :)

We hope everyone is doing well and that you all enjoy your Monday too!!

Here's to *taking life day by day and counting our blessings along the way*